sokoenginepy - Sokoban and variants#

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This project implements various utilities for Sokoban:

  • board representation for Sokoban, Hexoban, Trioban and Octoban variants with support for Sokoban+ and Multiban for all four variants

  • game engine implementation

  • SokobanYASC compatible level collections file reader / writer

It provides two implementations:

  • sokoenginepy - pure Python implementation

  • libsokoengine - C++ library



In Python:

import textwrap
from sokoenginepy import Config, Direction, Tessellation, Puzzle, BoardGraph, Mover

data = textwrap.dedent("""
        #  @#
        #$  #
      ###  $##
      #  $ $ #
    ### # ## #   ######
    #   # ## #####  ..#
    # $  $          ..#
    ##### ### #@##  ..#
        #     #########
puzzle = Puzzle(Tessellation.SOKOBAN, board=data)
board = BoardGraph(puzzle)
mover = Mover(board)
mover.select_pusher(Config.DEFAULT_ID + 1)

or in C++:

#include <sokoengine.hpp>

#include <iostream>

using sokoengine::BoardGraph;
using sokoengine::Config;
using sokoengine::Direction;
using sokoengine::Mover;
using sokoengine::Tessellation;
using sokoengine::Puzzle;
using std::string;

int main() {
  string data = R"""(
    #  @#
    #$  #
  ###  $##
  #  $ $ #
### # ## #   ######
#   # ## #####  ..#
# $  $          ..#
##### ### #@##  ..#
    #     #########

  Puzzle puzzle(Tessellation::SOKOBAN, data);
  BoardGraph board(puzzle);
  Mover mover(board);
  mover.select_pusher(Config::DEFAULT_ID + 1);

  std::cout << board.str() << std::endl;

  return 0;


sokoenginepy package from PyPi:

pip install sokoenginepy

or libsokoengine C++ library:

You will need vcpkg and then:

sudo apt install git build-essential cmake doxygen

git clone
cd sokoenginepy/

export CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[path to vcpkg]/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
cmake --preset "debug"

cd build/debug/
make && make install

For more elaborate details, see


Tables of contents and indices#